By Becky Boyer, Director of Youth Ministry
I am always asking the youth to look out for where God is working in their everyday lives. For example, where do they see people being kind to one another and being Jesus’ hands or feet to someone. It is my hope that it will open their eyes to the world around them and help them think about how the Holy Spirit is moving every day.
A couple of weeks ago I was heading back to my house after walking my dog and I saw a man standing in front of my house. He was looking at the sign in my yard that has a picture of Mr. Rogers and the words “Love Your Neighbor.” When he turned to look at me, I could see that he was no ordinary neighbor because he was wearing a bright red clown nose! I have seen this man in the past around Mt. Lebanon and always wondered what his story was. As I said “I have always wanted to meet you” and he smiled, I knew right away this man was full of joy. He told me he loved the sign, and he began telling me how we are called to love our neighbor because that is what Jesus taught us in the Scriptures. I was floored! He could quote scripture better than many seminarians I knew. I asked him about the red clown nose, and he referred to Patch Adams and how he just wanted to make people smile and laugh. When I asked how he knew so much scripture he said that he almost became a priest in his younger days but became disillusioned with institutional religion. He told me that he connects with God by praying and meditating every day.
Here are some quotes from our conversation:
“We should all be praying, blessing, and forgiving one another.”
“People are so caught up. They believe man instead of God. I always knew that God is with me because he said I will never leave you or forsake you. That’s how I know that all through my life he showed me that he was always with me.”
“That’s my life! It should be everybody’s life! To love your neighbor as you love yourself. When you love God that comes automatically. You do love your neighbor as you love yourself. I grew up doing errands for my neighbors, saying nice words, anything that will build each other up. Because that’s what we are here for – to build each other up.”
At Veritas that evening, I told the youth my story and showed pictures and some video I took of our meeting that morning. I never imagined encountering God on the sidewalk in front of my house, but I sure felt the Holy Spirit in my neighborhood that day!