Decades ago the foresight and generosity of members of Westminster Presbyterian Church created an endowment fund. Thanks be to God. Our Endowment enabled us to weather our financial distress and invest in new ministries.
In April, the Session approved the following $177,000 disbursements from Endowment and Special Gifts:
Energize the Next Generation
The past years have spotlighted the growing trends of anxiety, depression, and suicidality of young people. Westminster is uniquely positioned to enter into this conversation as a voice of care and connection guided by our faith in Jesus. We plan to host a series of seminars and conversations for our community beginning in the fall.
Across all age groups new offerings are attracting more participants. We will equip teachers and staff with smart boards and refresh the rooms with new furniture.
Endowment will fund the fulltime Associate Youth Director. We continue to recruit for this position to support education, mission, and service and allow us to expand. More energy for fun and faith!
These projects represent a $91,000 investment in our future.
Seek Justice Without Exception
We remain committed to serving outside of our community and will provide funding to Homewood Early Education Project to help construct classrooms.
A new hands-on service opportunity will be funded to purchase supplies and pack bags for Street Mom’s Homeless Ministry for homeless mothers in Wheeling, WV.
The above $18,500 funding will fuel the passion within Westminster to serve in Christ’s name.
Inspire Wonder and Meaning
The Bridge service creates a palpable beat of music each Sunday, drawing congregants to their feet in song. Funding will support vocalists/musicians to enhance the talented volunteers.
In addition, funds from the Music and Fine Arts Fund within Endowment will supply a new drum kit.
Let’s praise God for this $5,500 combined investment.
Support Our Property
Fellowship Hall’s renovation will be enhanced with new chairs, from the general Endowment and the Special Property Need Fund.
To improve audio quality for online streaming and in person worship, the sanctuary sound system will continue to be upgraded.
This $62,000 investment represents one of the strategic purposes of Endowment – to ensure this gorgeous building supports the breadth of ministry.
The Endowment loan with the church stands just over $1 million. The covenant we made with ourselves to repay this loan represents over a $100,000 annual expense from our operating budget. In the coming year, you will hear more about our desire to accelerate our payments to Endowment, reduce this burden, and strengthen our foundation.
We extend our thanks to members of the Endowment Committee – Brian Eccher, George Pitcairn, Jeff Rex, Ken Rapko, Bill Rogers, Linda Serene, Lois Singleton, Rob Wagner (chair), and John Wehn – for their prayerful work.
I remain ever grateful to serve you,
Jo Forrest