Years ago, at REI Co-op, a store that sells anything from bicycles to hiking equipment to snowshoes, one of their salesclerks helped me buy socks. Seriously, how hard can it be to buy socks? But standing amidst row upon row of socks for all variety of outdoor and casual adventure, I felt lost. Socks can be expensive and selecting the wrong pair can literally derail your day. This salesclerk spoke humbly about her travails with socks and why we need to rely upon this very basic piece of clothing.
Her testimony convinced me to buy a pair of Darn Tough socks. Manufactured in Vermont, these socks fit, provide all-day comfort, and carry a lifetime warranty. Their tag line reads: “Socks. For life.” The only circumstances not covered by their guarantee include if your dog eats them, fire destroys them, or one is lost in the laundry.
After years of wear, I can attest I also prefer them to any other socks and have not needed to test the lifetime warranty.
In the morning when I put them on, the words “darn tough,” knit into the toes of the socks with large letters, catches my eye and reminds me of their promise.
Regardless of the pattern, color, gender, or purpose, all of the socks say “darn tough” across the toes. At a time of life, when so much threatens my routine and journey or reminds me of just how fragile I am, to start my day with the lifetime promise of something that is “darn tough” reminds me of what else I can trust. I smile, wondering if I too can be darn tough that day.
As I write this reflection in early December, with an office cluttered by moving boxes and a dumpster filled with discarded items, I am thinking about what endures and our journey ahead. The year 2020 humbled each of us in ways we’d never anticipated, and so I imagine we are all wondering what 2021 holds.
Our faith story surrounds us with people whose lives had been upended as they were called to take risks. Isaiah spoke truth to power. Mary made haste to visit Elizabeth. Joseph ventured far with Mary. Shepherds snuck into the city at night. The Magi followed stars.
Each person accepted God’s irresistible call to venture into the unknown and each relied upon a history of God honoring God’s promises.
In their unique way they stepped with the confidence of being protected by God, regardless of what might happen, and became part of a new beginning.
My friends, at a time when we might not have a clear path forward, may we listen to our ancestors’ testimonies of God being with them. They hand to us a story of God’s lifetime guarantee, a span of time beyond any one of us. All we need is to do is start our day with the promise and learn to trust just how tough we can be.
Ready for our journey,
Jo Forrest