By Erik Wiesemann, Light in My City, Founder
It’s that time of year. While many people are giddy with excitement for the holidays, there are those who are too weary to rejoice. Both groups can relate to weariness. Even the most optimistic get worn down by life.
When family and friends walk with us during trials and discouragement, it gives us a sense of hope. Ultimate hope, however, is found only through Jesus. Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” That’s a promise.
But what of those who might know about – but not really know – Jesus? The question then and now remains: who, exactly, are our neighbors? To Jesus, our neighbors are everyone, regardless of proximity, stratum, religion, ethnicity – or our comfort level. The Good Samaritan is a perfect example.
Are the homeless our neighbors? Our Savior was homeless throughout his ministry. Matthew 8:20: “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” How many of us would walk right past him were he with us in the world today?
As we celebrate our blessings this Thanksgiving, and celebrate the birth of Immanuel, let’s do so with an outward focus. The joy and energy from serving as Jesus’ hands and feet to love our neighbors as ourselves is the antidote to weariness. From the neighbor we know to the homeless person on the sidewalk, loving as Jesus loved is the ultimate celebration – any time of year.