By Melanie Hallums
Our beautiful church stands tall, serving as a center of worship and the community since the end of World War II. Our original building was dedicated in 1948, and much of our infrastructure dates to that era as well. This includes the church’s electrical system. The building’s original and main electrical panel was installed when the church was first built. Like stories we all hear or read about in the news involving aging infrastructure, we have some of our own aging infrastructure that requires some attention.
Through grace and good fortune (along with many updates and repairs), we have kept the power on for the last 75 years. Unfortunately, many of the electrical parts for the existing system aren’t made anymore.
After careful review and consideration, we realize the time has come to replace the church’s electrical service, which includes the main electrical panel board, replacing the transformers, and upgrading the system to be able to handle the many technological and electrical equipment changes that have occurred over the past decades, and to ensure that our church building remains open for future generations.
Electricity is vital not only to the church building itself, but also to the ministry it facilitates. This impacts the sanctuary, chapel, administrative wing, nursery school, as well as all the surrounding rooms. Basically, everything except the WROC, which has its own separate electrical service.
And electricity not only keeps the lights on (literally), but also powers everything from the heating and air conditioning units to the kitchen in Fellowship Hall to the computers and other office equipment. It allows us to worship together on Sundays, including via livestream. And it supports all our education, fellowship, and care during the week, including Wednesday night dinners and youth activities, outreach and mission work, community meetings, and preschool education.
As with most infrastructure changes, replacing the electrical service, including the main electrical panel, will require significant time and cost.
Here’s an outline of where we are and where we’re going:
Beginning in early 2023, we engaged an electrical engineering consultant who assessed our current system. Our project team includes our electrical engineer, church staff, and members of the Property Commission who have met with West Penn Power (WPP) to learn how the process will work. Our project team has identified electrical contractors who can do the work.
Drawings, plans, and detailed requirements were made available to pre-qualified contractors to bid. In early April, the project team hosted a pre-bid meeting with four contractors who expressed interest and gave them a tour of the church.
The Property Commission thoroughly examined the proposals and recommended the lowest bidder who also is able to complete the project in the shortest timeframe. This contractor can complete the work during the summer of 2024. The work proposed by other contractors would extend over eight to ten months.
In addition to the electrical contractor, the scope will include constructing masonry screen walls, repairing the sidewalk and driveway, replacing landscaping, miscellaneous repairs to the electric room, and fees from WPP.
At the May 6 Session meeting, after robust debate of the timing of this project, total costs, and long-term benefits, the elders unanimously approved the project, estimated at just under $500,000.
Work will begin this summer with funds from the Endowment Committee’s 2024 grant and a secured line of credit. In the fall, the church will launch a campaign to raise funds to pay off any balance in the line of credit and complete the work.
We wanted to share all of this with you to let you know that positive changes are coming and to explain why people will be working in and around Westminster starting this summer. We also seek to dispel any rumors or speculation.
Our current system has lasted us 75 years. Now we need to make sure that it will serve and illuminate our ministry for the next 75 years.
These are exciting times to continue to invest in our church and its ministry! Stay tuned for more information.