Join Westminster in this season of Lent, exploring familiar objects with faith-filled eyes, accompanied by scripture to awaken us to God's presence everywhere. Join us on the journey through the opportunities below.
Lenten Devotional
Visit the church's homepage for a link to the day's devotion.
Coffee Time and Study for Lent
Mondays through March 29
10:00 - 11:15 a.m. on Zoom
Join Louise Rogers on Monday mornings on Zoom, to talk about our impressions from worship and the book Lent in Plain Sight by Jill Duffield.
Westminster’s brick labyrinth in the south courtyard is open for walking anytime. Read more about the labyrinth here.
Weekly worship focus for Lent:
Week One: Dust
Week Two: Bread
Week Three: Cross
Week Four: Coins
Week Five: Shoes
Week Six: Oil