Mission agencies are doing so much good work around the corner and around the world. Each month Westminster’s Outreach Commission will occupy a corner of the Spire to share stories about the impact your giving, time, and talents are having on our various mission partners’ efforts.
Some of our partners, such as SHIM, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank’s Produce to People, and City Mission, engage in work close to home. And some, such as Sangli Industrial School in India, La Croix New Testament Mission in Haiti, and Maoni Orphan Care in Malawi, are ministering thousands of miles away.
No matter where they are at work, each group Westminster supports has one or more of these characteristics:
- They spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
- They engage Westminster members in ministry activities
- They provide a “hand-up” not a “hand-out”
- They support the work of Pittsburgh Presbytery
- They address emergency work in the world
So watch this space for stories about how God is leading us all to reach out to a world in need.