The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.
– Luke 23:55-56 (NIV)
Silence is a powerful tool. If you have ever been on the receiving end of the silent treatment, you know how uncomfortable silence can become. Silence can be a powerful form of punishment because we see a broken relationship requiring communication to solve it. When God seems silent, we wonder what is happening? We may pray fervently over a problem, asking God to put an end to it, but solutions do not come. Why is God silent?
Christian writer Max Lucado recently spoke at Good Friday Worldwide. He pointed out that God was very active on Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified, but on Saturday – the Sabbath – God was silent. Max went on to say:
"Any time we discuss Easter weekend, we skip Saturday. Friday and Sunday get all the attention – the crucifixion and the resurrection – as well they should. But let's not skip silent Saturday, because you are in the middle of one. You've been talking to God about your health, about your friend, about your job, about your future, and so far, no answer. It's a silent Saturday. And you wonder: Is God angry? Did I disappoint Him? God knows your career is at risk, your finances are in the pit, your mind is a mess, the world is infected. Why doesn't God act? And what are you supposed to do until He does? Jesus shows us. You do what Jesus did: you wait, and you trust. Jesus knew that God would not leave Him alone in the grave, and you need to know, my friend, that God will not leave you alone with your fears. His silence is not His absence, His inactivity is never apathy."
Saturdays have their purpose. They allow us to feel the full weight of God’s power. Had God raised Jesus immediately after the death of his Son, would we have appreciated the act? For God to solve our problems the minute they appear, would we appreciate God’s hope? God inserts a Saturday between our Friday and our Sunday on Holy Week. And if you're in the middle of one right now, I just urge you to pray and trust. During the silence, God will help you endure the strenuous Saturday, and you will find a celebration on Sunday.
Easter blessings to you and yours!