On Saturday, October 2, the Westminster Deacons hosted their fifth annual Giving Gala at Valley Brook Country Club. We’re grateful to announce that we raised $28,600 to benefit SHIM, South Hills Interfaith Movement. This year the focus was on the youth programs that offer a scope of vital educational services for children ages 3-18, many of whom are refugees resettled in the U.S. The afterschool program provides homework help and support, while the early childhood program promotes language skills among foreign born children. Youth mentoring provides further nurturing to encourage students to graduate and explore higher education, along with clubs to encourage physical exercise and creative thinking.
After an 18-month hiatus, 117 guests gathered with friends and family to enjoy a lovely evening of fellowship, share a meal together, and participate in our famous Basket Raffle and Silent Auction.

As Westminster Church celebrates 75 years in the South Hills, many archived photos and descriptions were on display. An ongoing silent video presentation, created by Marty Bacik with guidance by Carolyn Kerr, featured photos dating back as early as 1947. And a History Quiz Contest was available to test our memories.
Rev. Louise Rogers gave the invocation and Jim Guffey, Executive Director of SHIM, gave a brief history of the relationship between Westminster Church and SHIM. Jim introduced Kavya Odari, a 10th grader at Baldwin High School who spoke about her experiences as a young refugee coming to the South Hills at age three and growing up with SHIM as a support for her and her family. Musical entertainment throughout the night by Bob Banerjee and Mark Guiser added a special touch this year. We all joined in for a heartfelt sing along of Amazing Grace with the leadership of our Chancel Choir.
This year, 17 Silent Auction Items were donated; 14 were from our very talented and generous members of Westminster. After some friendly bidding wars, one lucky couple snagged all three vacation homes: Seven Springs weekend getaway, a week at Deep Creek Lake, and a week at Hilton Head Island. Another went home with a hand appliquéed queen quilt by Drue Bellora. A beautiful original watercolor painting by Sandy Conley, designer purses, SAT prep classes, dance lessons, Donna Summer musical tickets, Pittsburgh sports items and books, golf foursomes, and photo organization rounded out the list. The virtual Basket raffle was new to us this year and was a wonderful way for those unable to attend to contribute to SHIM and take a chance on 18 beautiful baskets.

Our generous corporate and individual sponsors certainly exceeded our expectations. The Deacons want to thank each and every one of you for your support. We are grateful to the Lord who made this event possible and for the gift of giving.
– Jennifer Bollman