By Rev. Laura Bentley
Associate Pastor
Years ago, I worked at a church that had a pop-up ministry for people who were homeless or in need of essentials. My co-worker Jane, along with the high school youth, had begun showing up with sandwiches and a van full of supplies to Allegheny Commons in the North Side. Once a month they would set up in the park and just see who might need some warm clothes, lunch, or just a listening ear.
One Saturday, a man walked over to Jane, introduced himself as Ricky, and told her he had recently been released from prison. He then asked her what her group was doing. She told him and immediately guided him to the various supplies. But he stopped her. He wasn’t there to receive anything. He was there to see if he could help.
Ricky and Jane became fast friends, and he soon shared with our congregation the story of his false imprisonment and the long battle to gain his freedom. He continued to serve and later joined the church.
This story came to mind as I read an invitation to learn more about Foundation of Hope, a faith-based organization that “offers incarcerated individuals and returning citizens the opportunity for a new life.” I felt a nudge from the Spirit. My daily life rarely intersects with those who are or have been incarcerated. And I know that Jesus loves breaking down the false boundaries we’ve created between ourselves and others. I’m ready to get out of my bubble and to be surprised by the ways that the Spirit is bringing new life in places where I don’t expect it.
How might God be nudging you out of your comfort-zone in this season? New life may be waiting for you in unexpected places, too!