By Mary Zora
Although I have often used this phrase, it now has more of a profound meaning as I support and pray for individuals who wake up each morning in temporary or inadequate housing. The Bible recognizes that some people have experienced terrible trauma and hardships, even to the point of becoming destitute. Luke 14:13-14: “When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.”
For the past three years I have been blessed to work with Street MOMs and witness compassion and service for a population in our society that is often overlooked and diminished. Our work constantly reinforces the reality that homelessness is rooted in a very diverse set of circumstances that are entirely unique to each individual. Teachers will tell you, when asked about dreams for the future, no child ever responds, “I want to be homeless, live in a tent, and have food insecurity.”
While sitting in my car with a friend not long ago, we saw a young woman walking beside the railroad tracks. Her belongings were strapped to her back, and she was seemingly cold, weak, and tired. My companion pointed to her and made a few unkind remarks. I responded, “That young woman is someone’s daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend …”
Once again, I thought, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”
I encourage you to find your “Street MOMs,” the place where you physically or financially serve “the least of these” (Mathew 25:40).
Jesus said to his disciples in
Mark 6:37: “You give them something to eat.”
At Westminster we take this seriously and put these words into action.
In February alone we have:
- Filled and delivered 130 Blizzard Bags to the senior citizens cared for by Meals on Wheels
- Served meals at a church in Overbrook with Living Stones
- Staffed Rise Against Hunger 300 volunteers strong to send 40,176 meals out to children in need
- Raised $6,045* of our goal of $15,000 to increase the number of people we can feed in 2024 Let’s keep it going. If you would like to help feed the people Mary has gotten to know in West Virginia, we will be preparing a hot meal for them here in our kitchen on Sunday, March 17, at 1:00 p.m.