JAM (Jesus and Me)
JAM has been meeting since September 2 with a kick-off celebration on August 19. We average 16 to 18 kids on Wednesdays and we have 22 kids registered. A few children have even brought a friend. We are thankful for this faith formation program during these uncertain times. The children and teachers alike enjoy learning and growing together in our walk with the Lord. It thrills me to watch and listen each Wednesday as the children share their thoughts and develop a relationship with Jesus. After all, our purpose as Christians is to nurture our relationship with Jesus and then share Jesus with others!
Sacrament Education/First Communion
We offered a small sacrament education class to six children this past fall. We are so happy for these children to participate in the Lord’s Supper with the congregation. First communion is a spiritual and meaningful practice when we come together as the body of Christ. We hope to offer spring sacrament education for children in the second grade.
Fall Family Fun
On Sunday, October 18, we had a family event at Gilfillan Farm. Westminster and visiting families participated. The highlight of that beautiful afternoon was seeing families together and enjoying the scavenger hunt, pumpkin decorating, observing creepy critters, balloons, and most of all, Paula’s Hometown Hotdog food truck!
Bible Sunday and Bible Workshop
Bible Sunday took place on Sunday, October 13. Nine children received an Adventure Bible at different times either during worship, JAM, or the Bible workshop. We congratulate these children as they continue on their journey of faith!
Third and Fourth Grade Bible Workshop
This was a special workshop for children in the third and fourth grades. We were able to offer the workshop to eight children. The children were introduced to their Bibles, learning what the Bible was composed of and how to use this very special holy book.
The children learned how to use the table of contents to look up Bible passages, and they were introduced to special sections of the Bible: important people and life in ancient times, words to treasure, and did you know. These topics helped each child learn more about their Bible and how to use it. We are thankful to have offered this spiritual formation class to these children. We hope to offer more Bible workshops in the new year.
– Natalie Brown