Saturday, May 15
9:30 a.m. – noon on Zoom
We can’t end hunger without ending poverty – and we can’t end poverty without addressing the racial wealth gap.
You have probably heard the statistic that the ratio of White wealth to Black is on the order of 10 to 1. According to the Brookings Institution, the average White household wealth in 2016 was $171,000; the same statistic for Black families is $17,150. And the gap is growing. How did we get to the point of such enormous disparity? And what can be done to repair it?
Bread for the World, one of Westminster’s mission partners, is organizing a Racial Wealth Gap Simulation via Zoom to help us answer these questions. As part of Bread for the World’s Hunger Advocacy Workshop, this simulation will help us understand how policies affect Black and White families in very different ways. We will learn how this has led us away from our vision of equal opportunity for all to a place where many people of color struggle for basic necessities.
You can sign up for the simulation as part of the Westminster group, or just as yourself. The event is free but it may cost you some peace of mind. Here is the link to sign up: bit.ly/breadworkshop2021.
We will also hear from the Rev. Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith, Bread for the World Senior Associate for Church Engagement, who will share details of the 2021 Offering of Letters, an opportunity for congregations to advocate to end hunger by reaching out to elected officials.
For more information, contact Bobbie Hartman at [email protected]. To learn more about Bread for the World, go to www.bread.org.