Brené Brown, author and researcher, says the path to true belonging is through vulnerability. Westminster has been blessed to see the path of vulnerability and belonging forged through small groups.
From Faith Transitions (discussion group for former Catholics and other denominations): ”The June meetings were so helpful that I can’t help but think that others would also benefit.” – Cathy
From The Artist’s Way (a practical approach to exploring one’s personal creativity and spiritual connection with God): “The Artist’s Way helped me to rediscover my inner child and to identify the people and thoughts that stand in the way of my creativity. Sharing with others in the group provided new insights about ourselves and cemented many new friendships. At the conclusion I was able to set realistic goals for nurturing my creativity.” – Roberta
From Kristy Berrott, the facilitator of a small group for the study Hope: A User’s Manual: “It was a safe and comfortable space to challenge our interpretations of the text while also encouraging one another within its daily applications. Through its success, the group has decided to continue our meetings for the fall. We will be studying the book and podcast Universal Christ by Richard Rohr beginning September 14. Please know that we would love to have you join us. I wish nothing more than for each group member to develop a real sense of belonging at Westminster Church just as I was gifted this summer.”
If you’re ready to deepen your sense of belonging at Westminster, there is a small group waiting to welcome you with open arms.