The Baby Bundles team at Westminster is part of Outreach and we have lots of fun! Most of us are grandmas who don’t have any new babies to knit blankets for, and we all love babies and making baby blankets. That’s how Baby Bundles got started. We make baby blankets and then bundle up infant clothing and a digital thermometer. These bundles then go to East Liberty Family Heath Care Center where they are given to parents of newborns.
The families served by ELFHCC are less fortunate than many families and often do not have the benefit of a baby shower and all the gifts to help the family welcome a new baby.
East Liberty Family Health Care Center states that their mission is “to witness to God’s love, known in Jesus Christ, by empowering our patients through community centered, whole-person quality care for all, which includes those who are uninsured, underinsured and underserved.”
We believe the bundles express our commitment to serve families in the greater Pittsburgh community. If you are interested in joining the Baby Bundles team, contact Jan Baumann.
– Debby Underwood