Are you a reader like me, who still prefers to hold a book in your hands? I readily acknowledge the advantage of reading on a Kindle or an iPad. When you travel it’s so easy to download as many books as you can read on your trip. They are all there on one fairly small, light device. Not to mention you can enlarge the print on your screen to accommodate middle or old age eyes. And it comes with background light.
A final advantage is that electronic books don’t stack up around the house, crowding bookshelves and end tables.
But, if despite all of the above, you still love a book, the library has a solution for you. Beginning in April, we are opening a section of the shelves for a “bring one, take one” exchange. The books may be fiction, biography, or non-fiction – either adult, young adult, or children’s. But we ask that they be something relatively recent, something that you would recommend to a friend or relative. No textbooks or dusty volumes from your basement or attic, please. Save these for a rummage sale.
There is no need to check anything in or out. Just “Bring a book, Take a book.” And while you are there, take a look at the changes that have been made in your church library. It has a new look!
Julie Krock, Westminster Church Librarian