The stories of Advent are stories for hard times. Jesus was born amid upheaval and historical change and among people who seemed powerless. But when the world feels hopeless, Advent reminds us God is with us.
In chaos, God is with us.
In suffering, God is with us.
In uncertainty, God is with us.
In whatever our family endures, God is with us.
This Advent resource invites your family to explore the ways in which Emmanuel, God-with-us, brings hope, peace, joy, and love to your home and community, especially during hard times. Use this Advent guide to center your thoughts on the ever-present hope that sees us through change and challenge. Each week you will explore how the good news of God-with-us changes our perspective and gives us courage for each day. We rejoice in Jesus’ birth because God is with us!
Two different versions of this year’s devotional will be available: one for families with young children and one for youth through adults. Hard copies are available in the Welcome Center. Digital copies are available by request to Faith Kemmler at [email protected].
– Faith Kemmler