By Denise Rost
For the most part, Westminster is a pretty seamless place. That’s no accident. It is because of the superb work and magnificent commitment of our staff. If you don’t know much about them, you are truly missing out. Here is just one of multiple examples: The Finance Department staff is comprised of our Director of Finance and Operations, Jack Kelly, and Jane Zacchero, our Accounting Assistant. Besides all posting, verification, and various tasks as requested of Jane, both have been instrumental in our transition to Realm. And Jack has assumed additional duties in working with the Finance and Property Commissions.
As we each know, when things run smoothly, we’re not even necessarily aware of the efforts being made by our staff, very much to their credit. It’s important to keep in mind all those whom you may not see but who have a huge influence on the experience of members, our welcome to the community, and our ability to serve others.
So, when you wonder what exactly the staff does, we hope you’ll think of all the ways these talented, dedicated professionals support all of us – in many ways. After all, the job of our Personnel Commission is to prayerfully find exceptional servants and support them as we all work to do what God has called us to do.
The Personnel Commission consists of Logan Carmichael, Dave Davis, Carolyn Kerr, Bill Ludwig, Andrew Marsh, Denise Rost/Chair, and Jo Forrest/Staff Representative.