What is a new beginning? It can be many things like moving to a new city, starting a new job, beginning a new friendship, or simply looking at something from a new perspective. New beginnings often cause us to be open to change and improvement.
What does the Bible say about new beginnings? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”(2 Corinthians 5:17)
The Membership Commission has long been one of Westminster’s 12 named commissions responsible for the ministry of this church. This commission has a new name, the Community Engagement Commission, to represent the commission’s ministry more fully.
The commission focuses on engaging our congregation—our community of faith—in the life and work of this church, beginning when people first come into our building. It runs the Welcome Center and plans and hosts various church social/food events throughout the year to provide an atmosphere where our congregation can meet and socialize with one another. Examples are Super Sunday, lunches after worship, a Veterans’ lunch, ice cream socials, etc. We are responsible for Food & Fellowship, the Wednesday evening dinners. We also created Forks & Fellowship, a ministry where people come together in each other’s homes. Bike rides are organized periodically.
All our mission opportunities are hands on and intentionally provide opportunities to mingle as we serve others in our community. We cook food to take out, serve food with Grow Living Stones, bag food for children in our food insecure areas, reach out to those experiencing homelessness in various communities with tents and supplies and hygiene products. We host a rummage sale where volunteers meet one another, and the proceeds benefit local missions. Rise Against Hunger is a unique intergenerational volunteer opportunity where even the youngest can serve with their families.
Every volunteer opportunity has the goal of drawing people in, providing ways for them to connect and become involved in a way and at a time that is right for them.
This commission is also responsible for membership. We organize an Inquirers’ Gathering two times a year, inviting our visitors to learn more about what it means to be a member in the Presbyterian Church. We work to assimilate new members once they join. We are also responsible for making sure that our membership is accurate and that we are removing names from membership when people move away or choose not to be an active part of the congregation. We want our roles to accurately reflect the members who actively participate in the life of this church. We continue to love and care for our senior citizens when active participation is no longer possible.
This new name, this new beginning, will help to draw attention to the ministry already in place, focus on what is important, and strive for continual improvement.