Psalm 23
Genesis 1:31-2:3
Majestic Sovereign,
Well of blessings,
How did You decide
To create heaven and earth?
Was this Your purpose:
To make a world of work,
For us to toil in service?
Did you bring forth a day of rest
As a gift to Your Creation?
Or was this Your only option,
After first conceiving
The glory of Sabbath?
Was the Sabbath itself
Your only intention?
Perhaps You summoned
Time and space
Solely to bring forth
The magnificent splendor
Of Sabbath.
(adapted from “About Shabbat” by Alden Solovy in This Grateful Heart, 2017)
O God, who makes all things new;
May this Sabbath open my heart to the new life you have for me. Amen.